Instructions for Speakers and Poster Contributions.
All the speakers are kindly invited to provide the talk (in PDF format only) at least 30 minutes before the start of the session (8.30 for the morning sessions and 14.00 for the afternoon sessions) at the speaker podium. A pdf file with the following name is required: XX_surname.pdf where XX is the talk code as listed in the conference program; --> as an example the "Welcome Address", contribution 1-A from Giancarlo Mantovani in session 1 would give the following name: 1A_mantovani.pdf. A quick check of the file will be performed. |
All the posters have to be mounted before the start of the first session (09:00 Thursday, 26 June 2008); The posters panels are located in the same room of the conference. All the material needed for the posters mounting can be requested at the conference desk. |