Jun 25 – 28, 2008
Congress Hotel Giò, Perugia, ITALY
Europe/Rome timezone

The International Symposium on Physics in Collision is a conference series that began in 1981 in Blacksburg, Virginia, USA. The program of the conference is composed of invited talks and contributions in poster sessions.
Invited speakers review and update key topics in elementary particle physics with the aim of encouraging informal discussions on new experimental results and their implications.

The topics include:
EW physics - Neutrino physics - Astroparticle physics - Heavy flavour physics - QCD physics - Higgs and BSM physics

Conference poster session: All abstracts for posters having potential interest to the HEP community are welcome. This includes topics such as current experimental measurements, detectors, future experiments and facilities, theoretical ideas ,etc.

Conference homepage: www.pg.infn.it/pic08/

Local Organizing Committee:
Giancarlo Mantovani (CHAIR), Giuseppina Anzivino, Bruna Bertucci, Claudia Cecchi, Stefano Ciprini, Luca Gammaitoni, Attilio Santocchia

Conference program

Congress Hotel Giò, Perugia, ITALY
Perugia, ITALY