6–11 May 2018
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome timezone

Trigger techniques for B-Physics at CMS

8 May 2018, 11:15
Sala Elena, HH

Sala Elena, HH


Alessio Boletti (PD)


The large instantaneous luminosity delivered by LHC to the CMS experiment in Run 2 is an important opportunity for the study of rare B-hadron decays, like B0(s)->MuMu and B0->K*MuMu. The main drawback of this luminosity increase is that the trigger selections need to be more tight, in order to fit the rate of recorded events in the limits imposed by the available computer resources. This constraints impose a challenge in the development of new trigger tools and algorithms, which are optimized to keep high acceptance on signal events, while reducing the rate of background events collected. In this poster, both the trigger algorithms developed for the Level-1 Trigger and High-Level Trigger and the performance achieved will be presented.

Teaser (will appear on the printed program)

A brief description of the trigger algorithms optimized to collect B-physics events in the harsh Run II environment at CMS, and their performances

Primary author

Alessio Boletti (PD)

Presentation materials