21–23 May 2018
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome timezone

Characterisation of prototype SiGe monolithic pixel detectors in the TT-PET scanner

23 May 2018, 11:40
Room Elena (Hotel Hermitage)

Room Elena

Hotel Hermitage


Dean Forshaw (University of Bern)


The TT-PET collaboration is developing a compact Time-of-Flight PET scanner for small animals with a 30ps time resolution and sub-millimeter 3D detection granularity. The sensitive element of the scanner is a fully monolithic silicon pixel detector based on state of the art SiGe BiCMOS technology. Our scanner design will be introduced along with detailed GEANT4 simulations concerning hit acceptance and expected data rate for a 50MBq F18 source. First prototypes of our ASICs and DAQ system have been produced and characterised in the laboratory, and in test beams at CERN’s SPS facility using minimum ionising particles. Pixels with capacitances of 0.8pF were measured to have a detection efficiency of 99% and the electronics exhibit an equivalent noise charge of 600 e− RMS and a pulse rise time of 2 ns which matches our simulations. The realisation of a first scanner prototype for small animals is foreseen by 2019, and has been funded by the SNSF (Swiss National Science Foundation).

Primary author

Dean Forshaw (University of Bern)


Mr Antonio Miucci (University of Geneva) Ms Camilla Tognina (University of Bern) Mr Daiki Hayakawa (University of Geneva) Dr Emanuele Ripiccini (UNIGE) Mr Franck Cadoux (University of Geneva) Dr Lorenzo Paolozzi (Université de Genève) Dr Mathieu Benoit (University of Geneva) Mr Roger Hänni (University of Bern) Mr Yves Bandi (University of Bern) Prof. giuseppe iacobucci (Université de Genève)

Presentation materials