20/03/2018, 12:55
Kinetic theory can be applied to understand a variety of many body problems arising in various branches of physics. However, it leaves out an important class of phenomena requiring triangle anomaly. Recently, using Berry curvature corrections, Son and Yamamoto have developed a modified kinetic theory that incorporate triangle anomalies and the chiral magnetic effect (CME). They have shown that...
Kun Xu
20/03/2018, 12:55
We investigate finite-size effects on the chiral phase disgram of strong interactions with NJL model. To account finite-size effects, we replace momentum integrals by momentum summations and take periodic boundary condition. The results shows that momentum of zero-mode and none-zero-mode have opposite behaviors as size decreases, and two sets of critical points appear.
Noriyuki Sogabe
(Keio University)
20/03/2018, 12:55
Two important goals of the relativistic heavy-ion collisions are the searches for the chiral magnetic effect (CME) and the QCD critical point(s). Since dynamic critical phenomena of a system generally depends on low-energy gapless modes, it is a priori nontrivial whether the collective gapless mode called the chiral magnetic wave (CMW) that stems from the CME affects the dynamic critical...
Radoslaw Ryblewski
20/03/2018, 12:55
We present first numerical applications of a recently formulated framework of perfect fluid hydrodynamics with spin [1] to model the space-time evolution of polarization in heavy-ion collisions. We consider various initial conditions for the hydrodynamic evolution and different forms of the spin tensor to study consequences of various physical assumptions for the time evolution of the system's...
Jorge Fernández-Pendás
(Instituto de Física Teórica UAM-CSIC)
20/03/2018, 12:55
Weyl semimetals are a new exciting class of materials realizing
the chiral anomaly in condensed matter physics.
I present a holographic model of a Weyl semimetal and
compute the Hall conductivities from the holographic
anomalies. An apparent mismatch in the symmetry factor
of 1/3 in the triangle diagram is overcome by interpreting
the result via the holographic RG flow.
Ashutosh Dash
20/03/2018, 12:55
The interplay of the magnetic field and thermal vorticity in a relativistic ideal fluid might generate fluid vorticity during the fluid evolution provided the flow fields and the entropy density of the fluid is inhomogeneous. Exploiting this fact and assuming large magnetic Reynolds number we study the evolution of generalised magnetic field ($\hat{B}$) which is defined as a combination of the...
Miklos Horvath
(Institute of Particle Physics, Central China Normal Univrsity, Wuhan, China)
20/03/2018, 12:55
The possible violation of parity in high-energy nuclear collisions has been gaining an increasing attention in recent years. Namely, convincing evidences show that the electromagnetic fields present at the initial stage of the collision, and also the vorticity of the QGP fluid reach such large values that the microscopic dynamics might be affected by them. It has been theorized, that these...
Tuna Demircik
(Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
20/03/2018, 12:55
We study nonlinear chiral transport phemomena in the holographic context by considering anomalous $U(1)_{V}\timesU(1)_{A}$ Maxwell theory in Schwarzschild-$AdS_{5}$. Off-shell constitutive relations for vector/axial currents are derived for the setup of inhomogeneous charge densities (chemical potentials) and constant electric and magnetic fields in a weak external field approximation. The...
Baoyi Chen
(Frankfurt University & Tianjin University)
20/03/2018, 12:55
In AA collisions, the strong electromagnetic fields from fast moving nucleus interact with the other nucleus, producing abundant charmonium (and dileptons) in the extremely low transverse momentum region $p_T<0.1$ GeV/c which has also been measured in experiments at both LHC and RHIC energies. This results in significative enhancement of charmonium nuclear modification factor in semi-central...
Nikolaos Davis
(H. Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences)
20/03/2018, 12:55
We review our studies of spectator-induced electromagnetic (EM) effects on charged pion and kaon emission in nucleus-nucleus collisions at CERN SPS and RHIC BES energies. These are found to consist in (1) breaking of isospin symmetry for spectra of fast pions in the final state of non-central collisions (2) centrality dependent distortions in ratios of emitted pi+/pi- and K+/K- (3) charge...