19–22 Mar 2018
Galileo Galilei Institute
Europe/Rome timezone
The workshop is concluded, we thanks all participants and collaborators.

Lambda polarization from RHIC BES to LHC energies in viscous hydrodynamic approach

20 Mar 2018, 09:30
Galileo Galilei Institute

Galileo Galilei Institute

Largo Enrico Fermi,2 I-50125 FIRENZE (Italy) Telephone: +39 055 275 5255 <a href="https://www.ggi.infn.it/">Web page</a>


Dr Iurii Karpenko (SUBATECH / CNRS)


We overview the collision energy dependence of different components of polarization of Lambda hyperons in a 3 dimensional hydrodynamic model for heavy ion collisions. We discuss the connection between the polarization observables and the properties of the initial state and hydrodynamic phase of the matter evolution in heavy ion collisions.

Primary authors

Prof. Francesco Becattini (FI) Dr Iurii Karpenko (SUBATECH / CNRS)

Presentation materials