Conference Schedule
Department of Physics and INFN
Largo Pontecorvo, Building C, Room 131 Ground floor
Thursday 20 JulyDepartment of Physics and INFN
Largo Pontecorvo, Building C, Room 131 Ground floor
08:30 Registration
08:50 Presentation
Chair: R. Auzzi
09:00 Minoru Eto Geometric Higgs Mechanism and Soliton World Scenario
09:30 Jarah Evslin Spiked Monopole Scattering
10:00 Chandrasekhar Chatterjee BPS Alice strings
10:30 Sven Bjarke Gudnason Some exact Bradlow vortex solutions
11:00 Coffee Break
Chair: S. B. Gudnason
11:30 Francesco Bigazzi, Theta dependence in holographic QCD
12:00 Massimo D'Elia Theta dependence in QCD
12:30 Adriano Di Giacomo Defining an order parameter for
monopole condensation in QCD
13:00 Lunch
Chair: D. Dorigoni
14:30 Ugo Bruzzo Instantons on stacky ALE spaces
15:00 Riccardo Guida Theorems from RG flows
15:30 Marco Matone SYK Model and Schwarzian theory
16:00 Coffee Break
Chair: F. Bigazzi
16:30 Nando Gliozzi Anomalous dimensions without Feynman diagrams
17:00 Paul Sutcliffe, Skyrmion knots in frustrated magnets
17:30 Silvia Penati Puzzles in 3D Chern-Simons-matter theories
18:00 Eliezer Rabinovici, On Singularities, Quantum Noise and
holographic Complexity
20:00 Social Dinner & Speeches
Friday 21 July
Chair: G. Nardelli
09:00 Andrea Cappelli Three-dimensional topological insulators
and bosonization
09:30 Nicodemo Magnoli Conformal perturbation of offcritical correlators
in the 3D Ising universality class
10:00 Enore Guadagnini Vortex line formation in He II
10:30 Keisuke Ohashi Conformal symmetry of trapped
BoseEinstein condensates and massive NambuGoldstone modes
11:00 Coffee Break
Chair: S. Giacomelli
11:30 Muneto Nitta, Modulated Vacua
12:00 Steffen Krusch, Quantisation of Skyrmions
12:30 Ryosuke Yoshii Self-consistent Exact solutions in Gross-Neveu
and CP(N-1) models: Inhomogeneous states and Casimir force
13:00 Lunch
Chair: J. Evslin
14:00 Marco Bochicchio Renormalization, open/closed string duality,
and twistor strings in large-N QCD-like theories
14:30 Domenico Seminara, Wilson lines as superconformal defects in
ABJM theory: a formula for the emitted radiation
15:00 Gianluca Grignani, Force free electrodynamics approach to
black hole magnetosphere
15:30 Norisuke Sakai Exact Resurgence Structure to All Orders of
Multibions in Deformed SUSY Quantum Mechanics
16:00 Coffee Break
Chair: M. Matone
16:30 Daniele Dorigoni New solitons solutions in eta-deformed PCM
17:00 Simone Giacomelli, Compactification of dualities with
decoupled operators and 3d mirror symmetry
17:30 Roberto Auzzi On Newton-Cartan trace anomalies
18:00 Kenichi Konishi Strongly-Coupled Infrared Fixed Points,
Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking
18:30 Farewell