Augusto Sagnotti
(SNS - PI)
9/11/17, 2:30 PM
I shall review how String Theory leads to an intriguing phenomenon, "brane
supersymmetry breaking", whereby supersymmetry is broken at the string
scale in D=10 with no order parameter to recover it. The phenomenon is
accompanied by the emergence of a runaway potential that destabilizes
the original Minkowski vacuum, but whose specific form affords potentially
interesting indications for...
Niccolo' Cribiori
(Univ. Padova)
9/11/17, 3:15 PM
An effective description for theories with spontaneous supersymmetry breaking
can be obtained by imposing constraints on superfields, both for global and
local supersymmetry. In particular, even if the supersymmetry breaking scale
is assumed to be very high, superspace methods can still be used to study
effective theories in the low energy regime, where some of the degrees of
freedom can...
Noppadol Mekareeya
(University of Milano-Bicocca)
9/11/17, 4:30 PM
This talk focuses on vacuum moduli spaces of 6d N=(1,0) field theories that
have a superconformal fixed point at infinite coupling. Such theories admit
an effective description in terms of a quiver diagram, which can be
realised using Type IIA string theory or F-theory at finite coupling. We
show that several aspects of the hypermultiplet moduli space, also known as
the Higgs branch, of...
Marta Orselli
(Perugia Univ.)
9/12/17, 9:30 AM
In Nature there are several astrophysical systems surrounded by
a magnetosphere with a plasma that can be described using the so-called
force-free electrodynamics (FFE). This is the case for example of black
hole magnetospheres. By analyzing the stationary axisymmetric magnetosphere
surrounding a spinning black hole, Blandford and Znajek realized that one
could extract energy from a...
Razieh Pourhasan
(INFN Firenze)
9/12/17, 11:30 AM
Non-analyticity of holographic Renyi entropy in Lovelock gravity
Abstract: We compute holographic Renyi entropies for spherical
entangling surfaces on the boundary while considering third order Lovelock
gravity with negative cosmological constant in the bulk. Our study shows
that third order Lovelock black holes with hyperbolic event horizon are
unstable, and at low temperatures those...
David Ciupke
(University of Bologna)
9/12/17, 12:15 PM
In this talk we summarize recent results regarding the
global embedding of fibre inflation models. In these models, being
based on Calabi-Yau orientifold models of IIB where partial moduli
stabilization is achieved in the Large Volume Scenario (LVS), the role
of the Kahler cone is special as it determines the geometry of the
moduli space. Furthermore, we report on separate research aimed...
Silvia Penati
9/12/17, 2:30 PM
I will review some recent results concerning BPS Wilson loops in 3D N=6
ABJ(M) and N=4 Chern-Simons-matter theories, with particular focus on
their role in testing AdS/CFT correspondence and integrability underlying
Roberto Volpato
(Univ. Padova)
9/12/17, 4:30 PM
I will consider a large class of four dimensional N=4 string models
obtained from compactifications of type II string theory on K3 x T^2
and orbifolds thereof. I will show that the multiplicities of 1/4 BPS
states in such models can be determined (almost) uniquely by imposing some
simple consistency condition. The main ingredient in this derivation is a
careful analysis of the wall...
Anna Ceresole,
Silvia Penati
9/12/17, 5:15 PM
As a follow up of the Outreach & Gender activities of COST "The String Theory Universe", ended in march, we propose to assess the situation and continue monitoring the growth of the women community working in String Theory and
related areas. We open the discussion to comments, suggestions, initiatives.
Carlo Angelantonj
(Univ. Torino)
9/13/17, 11:30 AM
I shall present recent results on the quantum corrections of gauge
couplings for N=2 SYM theories emerging from D-Branes on Melvin spaces, and
their connection with the perturbative free energy of N=2 theories on the
Omega background.