11–13 Sept 2017
Europe/Rome timezone

Brane supersymmetry breaking, non-linear supersymmetry and some applications

11 Sept 2017, 14:30


Augusto Sagnotti (SNS - PI)


I shall review how String Theory leads to an intriguing phenomenon, "brane supersymmetry breaking", whereby supersymmetry is broken at the string scale in D=10 with no order parameter to recover it. The phenomenon is accompanied by the emergence of a runaway potential that destabilizes the original Minkowski vacuum, but whose specific form affords potentially interesting indications for the inflationary phase of the Universe. At low energies supersymmetry appears non-linearly realized, and although we are far from a comprehensive framing of the phenomenon, in ten dimensions or below, four-dimensional N=1,2 models with constrained superfields can provide useful probes into this type of dynamics.

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