AMICI Partner and Industry Days for Scientific Technology Infrastructure

Best Western Hotel Biri - Padova

Best Western Hotel Biri - Padova

Via Antonio Grassi, 2 35129 Padova Italy
The collaboration between European Technology Facilities and Industry has been seminal for the realization of unprecedented scientific endeavors, like the LHC, EU-XFEL, ESS and ITER, that have recently projected Europe to an undisputed position of worldwide leadership.
The AMICI H2020 project is charged by the European Commission with the challenging task of building the conditions for consolidating and exploiting such collaboration to strengthen the capabilities of European companies to compete on the global market, not only as qualified suppliers of components for accelerators and big superconductor magnets, but also in the development of innovative applications in advanced sectors such as healthcare and space.
The workshop is a unique opportunity for key people from vital companies and Technological Facilities in Europe to convene in order to examine and discuss the goals and tangible actions of the AMICI project, so that the expected objectives can be reached with maximum efficacy and mutual benefit.
  • Aitor Echeandia
  • Akira Yamamoto
  • Alessandra Francesca Casotto
  • Alessandro Villa
  • Ambra Gresele
  • Andrea Ceracchi
  • Andrea Lanaro
  • Andrea Liedl
  • Andrew Hutton
  • Angel Garcia
  • Angeles Faus-Golfe
  • Anthony Gleeson
  • Antonio Pellecchia
  • Bernd Spaniol
  • Christian Jensen
  • Claudio Longhi
  • Dariusz Bocian
  • David Alesini
  • David Mascali
  • Diego Ruaro
  • Donna Pittaway
  • Elena Pavan
  • Eric Giguet
  • Fabio Boveri
  • Franck POLIDOR
  • Françoise RONDEAUX
  • Frederic BOUTIN
  • Fredrik Arrhén
  • Giorgio Corniani
  • Giovanni Bisoffi
  • Jody Binotto
  • Karol Kasprzak
  • Lan Fimmen
  • Luca Bottura
  • Marco fabrizio Urbano
  • Marianna Ginola
  • Marie-Aude Maynard
  • Mauro Morandin
  • Maximilian Grenzer
  • Michael Gehring
  • Michael Peiniger
  • Miguel Pretelli
  • Mikael Lindholm
  • Mohammed FOUAIDY
  • Olivier Napoly
  • Paolo Acunzo
  • Paolo Bonifazi
  • Paolo Michelato
  • Pasquale Fabbricatore
  • Paul Anderson
  • Peter McIntosh
  • Philippe CHOMAZ
  • Philippe THOUVENIN
  • Pierre Vedrine
  • Pietro PUGLIESE
  • Quentin Gambier
  • Rafael Iturbe
  • Riccardo Pamato
  • Riko Wichmann
  • Roser Vallcorba
  • Rupert Gordon
  • Santo Gammino
  • Serena Mancini
  • Serge Sierra
  • Sophie MULLER
  • Speranza Falciano
  • Stefano Bongiovanni
  • Stefano Frega
  • Stéphane BERRY
  • Sylvie Leray
  • Terence Garvey
  • Toms Torims
  • Tord Ekelof
  • Umberto Gambardella
  • Vadim Yanovskiy
  • Walid Kaabi
  • Ziad Melhem
Local Organizers