18–19 apr 2017
Best Western Hotel Biri - Padova
Europe/Rome fuso orario


The collaboration with industry in the AMICI project 1/2

19 apr 2017, 11:25
Best Western Hotel Biri - Padova

Best Western Hotel Biri - Padova

Via Antonio Grassi, 2 35129 Padova Italy


The collaboration with industry in the AMICI project 1/2

  • Mauro Morandin (INFN/PD)

Materiali di presentazione

Non sono ancora presenti materiali
Dr. Walid Kaabi (CNRS)
19/04/17, 11:25
Dr. Riko Wichmann (DESY)
19/04/17, 12:05
Creazione del calendario in corso...