18–19 apr 2017
Best Western Hotel Biri - Padova
Europe/Rome fuso orario

AMICI for Industry

Accelerator and Magnet Infrastructure for Cooperation and Innovation

The goal of the AMICI H2020 project is to foster innovation in the field of particle accelerators and superconducting magnets and to facilitate industrialization by creating an open and globally available Technology Infrastructure (TI) for European Industry to use. The infrastructure will be formed by integrating European technological facilities originally developed to support the construction of the most advanced European scientific Research Infrastructures like LHC, EU-XFEL, ESS, ITER, etc.

The AMICI Innovation-related activities aim at transferring the knowledge and know-how of research laboratories to industry and creating new products and new applications of direct benefit to society. For that purpose, Industry would access a pool of technical platforms made available by European Research Institutes such as test beam facilities, cryogenics, magnet and RF facilities and test benches, laboratories for material analysis and vacuum technology, for chemistry and surface characterization, for beam electronics and instrumentation, clean rooms and assembly halls including the equipment and the associated human expertise.

The Industrialization-related activities aim at keeping European industry at the forefront of the international competition, in terms of technology, quality and costs, in view of the construction of future scientific research instruments, in Europe and elsewhere. This will be achieved by fostering collaboration initiatives and opportunities between Industry and the TI that include: research and development of key technology prototypes, test and verification of industrial products, professional training and apprenticeship, certification studies and training (e.g. vacuum, cleanliness, welding, etc.), harmonization and standardization studies (e.g. cryogenics, material, etc.).

By mid-2019 the AMICI project will have explored and assessed all the means to ensure that European industry:
  • will have a clear view of the strategic science and technology roadmaps for the future accelerator-based Research Infrastructures worldwide and therefore they will be in a strong position to compete in the global market,
  • will have a simplified and supported access to the most adequate technical platforms thanks to the stronger and optimized integration model established among the large existing technological facilities,
  • will benefit from the integrated ecosystem that will foster innovation based on cutting-edge tools and developments and will enhance their visibility and competitiveness in new markets,
  • will overcome their technology development barriers and further develop commercial opportunities within the Research Infrastructures and wider societal markets,
  • will profit from the information exchange, definition of harmonized and standardized procedures and access to databases, which should allow cost reduction in the long term.