18–19 apr 2017
Best Western Hotel Biri - Padova
Europe/Rome fuso orario

Venue and Practical Information

Conference Venue

Best Western Hotel Biri
Via Antonio Grassi, 2
35129 Padova

Town and Hotel map

How to get to the conference venue from Venice Airport

Bus FSBusitalia Veneto:
Get off at Piazzale "Stanga" bus stop in Padua.
Timetable (pg. 49 From Venice Airport to Padua, pg. 47-48 from Padua to Venice Airport)
Ticket price: € 10,00

Shuttle Minibus Air Service:
to be booked at least 24 hours in advance, by e-mail, telephone +39-049-8704425 or web form (quick registration required). 
Fare: about 33,00 Euro per person to Padova. Since it is a shared service the cost might change according to the total number of reserved seats.

Shuttle Minibus Landomas:
to be booked at leas 24 hours in advance, by e-mail or by telephone (+39-049-8600382) or web form.
Fare: about 30 Euro per person to Padova. Since it is a shared service the cost might change according to the total number of reserved seats.

How to get to the conference venue from Padova Train Station and Bus Station

From Padova Central Railway Station (Bus stop: Ferrovia) and the adjacent Bus Station, you can take:
BUS n. 7 to Saonara or
BUS n. 18 to Ponte di Brenta
and get off at "Stanga" bus stop.
Both will take less than 10 minutes to reach the Hotel.
The ticket is € 1,30 and lasts 75 minutes.

Taxi Padova
Phone: +39 049 651333
email: info@taxipadova.it