Mar 27 – 28, 2017
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
Europe/Rome timezone
Well motivated extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics predict the existence of light particles such as axions or axion-like particles (ALPS). These particles may constitute the long sought dark matter, solve the strong-CP problem and explain astrophysical anomalies. Contrary to the WIMPs (weakly interacting massive particles), WISPs (weakly interacting slim particles) are hardly observable at large colliders and new experiments involving a wide range of different technologies are needed.
Present experiments aim at observing WISPs as a dark matter constituent, as radiation emitted from astronomical objects, or as radiation produced in the laboratory. In all the cases present and future experiments push the technology needed for detection and production of these particles to the state of the art or beyond.
During the workshop we will review the status of ongoing and foreseen experiments, discuss of possible new physics at low energy scale that can be probed in such experiments and examine present and future developments of related key technologies.  
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
High Energy Building, Aula Touschek
Via Enrico Fermi 40 00044 Frascati (ROMA)
Secretariat: Maddalena Legramante tel. 0039 06 94032791 fax 0039 06 94032900