1 marzo 2017
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
Europe/Rome fuso orario
The workshop OPTICS - Outlook and Proposal for Technological & Innovative Cooperation Strategies has been planned within the international seminar "Advanced Accelerator & Radiation Physics" (LNF-MEPhI), which represents a series of the meetings dedicated to frontier topics in basic and applied research associated to new techniques of beam acceleration, novel powerful radiation sources and applications based on radiation physics.
The AARP: OPTICS workshop will be focused on the presentation of main activities and research projects of three beamlines of Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste (SYRMEP, SISSI,  TwinMic) as well as two INFN LNF laboratories (Dafne-Light Lab, XLab_Frascati). The workshop is the opportunity for pointing out common interests in the field of novel x-ray sources, optics, detectors and various x-ray applications that aims in identifying new possible collaborations.
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
High Energy Building, Aula Touschek
Via Enrico Fermi 40 00044 Frascati (ROMA)
Secretariat: Maddalena Legramante tel. 0039 06 94032791 fax 0039 06 94032900 maddalena.legramante@lnf.infn.it