January 1, 2017
Europe/Rome timezone

Working Groups

CDR working group sections

WG 0 – Project management
    0.1 Executive summary (M. Ferrario)

WG 1 – Electron beam design and optimization
    1.1 Advanced High Brightness Photo-injector (E. Chiadroni)
    1.2 High Brightness Linac technology (A. Gallo)
    1.3 Linac design and parameters (C. Vaccarezza)

WG 2 – Laser design and optimization
    2.1 FLAME upgrade (M. P. Anania)
    2.2 Advanced Laser systems (L. Gizzi)

WG 3 – Plasma Accelerator
    3.1 PWFA beam line (A. Marocchino)
    3.2 LWFA beam line (A. R. Rossi)
    3.3 Plasma and Beam Diagnostics (A. Cianchi)

WG 4 – FEL pilot applications
    4.1 Conventional and Plasma driven FEL (V. Petrillo)
    4.2 Advanced FEL schemes (G. Dattoli)
    4.3 Photon beam lines (F. Villa)
    4.4 FEL user applications (F. Stellato)

WG 5 – Radiation sources and user beam lines
    5.1 Advanced (dielectric) THz source (S. Lupi)
    5.2 Compton source (C. Vaccarezza)
    5.3 Secondary particle sources (LNS?)
    5.4 Laser-driven neutron source (A. Cianchi)
    5.5 User beam lines (P. Valente)

WG 6 – Low Energy Particle Physics
    6.1 Advanced positron sources (A. Variola)
    6.2 Fundamental physics experiments, LabAstro (C. Gatti)
    6.3 Plasma driven photon collider (L. Serafini)     
WG 7 – Infrastructure
    7.1 Civil Engineering and conventional plants (U. Rotundo)
    7.2 Control system (G. Di Pirro)
    7.3 Radiation Safety (A. Esposito)
    7.4 Machine layout