Edizione 2017: stiamo arrivando!
dicembre 7, 2016 Modifica
Giornate di Studio sui Rivelatori is a one-week school on particle detectors and related topics. It is mainly targeted at Ph.D. students and young post-docs. Lectures will be held in English.
As the previous one, the 2017 edition will take place in the scenic village of Cogne (Aosta province, Italy), surrounded by the magnificent Gran Paradiso mountains and national park.
The school will start on Feb 13th, 2 pm, and will end in the morning on Feb 17th.
As usual, the scientific program features contributions by first-class speakers:
A. Ballarino (Cern)
Superconductivity at Future Hadron Colliders
M. Boezio (UniTs)
Searching for Dark Matter in space: from Pamela to GAPS
M. Cavallaro (Lns)
The NUMEN Experiment
J. M. Christille (Osservatorio Astronomico VdA)
From Nir to SUBMM sensors in hostile site
M. Faure Ragani (Arpa Aosta)
Environmental radiometric techniques applied to Aosta Valley territory
C. Galbiati (Princeton University)
Searching for Dark Matter underground: the Darkside Experiment
M. Goano (PoliTo)
Challenges in the simulation of hot electrons in radiation detectors
F. Ferroni (Infn)
Status of Double Beta Decay Research
M. Pepe Altarelli (Cern)
The LHCb Upgrade
C. Piemonte (Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
State of the Art of SiPM
A Flash Talk session is also foreseen, to allow young researchers to discuss their work in front of the School’s audience, in an informal and relaxed atmoshpere. Please contact the Organizing Committee if you are willing to give a flash talk.
A free shuttle service from and to the train station of Torino Porta Susa is foreseen on Feb 13th and Feb 17th.
Several social and sport events will be organised along with the School program, so please make sure you check our News section!