Elena Long
(University of New Hampshire)
Whenever technological advancements provide access to a new degree of freedom, previously inaccessible quantities can be measured. Currently, we are seeing the beginning of a renaissance of experiments utilizing a tensor polarized target to probe the structure of the deuteron. This is due to two recent developments: the JLab 12 GeV upgrade, and a high-luminosity, high-tensor-polarized target. Experiments utilizing these new capabilities can explore aspects of the nature of matter that have so far proven elusive, some for decades: from 6-quark hidden-color effects in the DIS region to the short-range and high-momentum components of the deuteron wavefunction in the x>1 SRC region, and beyond. This presentation will discuss the first two experiments already approved to measure the tensor b1 and Azz observables, recent advances in tensor target development, and future opportunities to better understand nuclear and nucleon structures that are only accessible through experiments utilizing tensor polarized targets.
Primary author
Elena Long
(University of New Hampshire)