Apr 19 – 21, 2017
Trieste - Italia
Europe/Rome timezone
Proceedings: Il Nuovo Cimento C, Vol. 41, N. 1-2, 2018 : https://www.sif.it/riviste/sif/ncc/econtents/2018/041/01-02

Search for B-meson decays to four baryons at Babar

Apr 21, 2017, 5:00 PM
Aula Magna - Edificio H3 (Trieste - Italia)

Aula Magna - Edificio H3

Trieste - Italia

Università degli Studi di Trieste Via Valerio nº 12/2 I-34127 Trieste (TS)
Poster contribution Sessione Frontiera Intensità Archivio Poster


Laura Zani (PI)


B mesons are the lightest mesons which can decay to various final states containing different baryons. Up to now, the discrepancy between the inclusive branching fraction of all B meson decay modes with at least a couple of baryons in the final state, measured by ARGUS to be (6.8 +- 0.6)% , and the sum of exclusive baryonic channels, averaged on neutral and positive B mesons at less than 1%, represents an open issue. Moreover, the measurement and comparison of exclusive branching fractions of baryonic B decays as well as studies on the dynamic of the decay, may allow better understanding of baryon production in B decays and, more generally, hadron fragmentation into baryons. We present here a search for the decay of a B meson in four baryons: B -> p anti-p p anti-p, not yet observed. The data set consists of about 470 million B-antiB pairs collected with the BABAR detector at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.

Primary author


Fabio Anulli (ROMA1) Francesco Forti (PI) Mr Thomas Lueck (INFN sezione Pisa, University of Pisa)

Presentation materials