Enrica Chiadroni
Plasma-based acceleration has already proved the ability to reach ultra-high accelerating gradients. A significant improvement in the efficiency of particle-driven plasma wakefield acceleration has been demonstrated so far accelerating a witness bunch in the wake of a higher charge driver bunch [1]. Both the transformer ratio and the energy transfer from the driver to the witness beam can be increased by resonantly exciting the plasma with a properly pre-shaped drive electron beam. At present the step towards the realization of a plasma-based accelerator still requires some effort to guarantee high brightness beams, stability and reliability. The transport and focusing of electron beams over cm-scale distances is also worth being investigated and at this regard plasma-based focusing devices will be presented [2].
[1] M. Litos et al., Nature 515, 92-95 (2014).
[2] R. Pompili et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 110 , 104101 (2017).
Primary author
Enrica Chiadroni
Alberto Marocchino
Alessandro Cianchi
Andrea Mostacci
Andrea Renato Rossi
Angelo Biagioni
Anna Giribono
Cristina Vaccarezza
Domenico Di Giovenale
Emanuele Brentegani
(Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, INFN)
Fabio Villa
Fabrizio Giuseppe Bisesto
Francesco Filippi
Giampiero Di Pirro
Giovanni Castorina
Jessica Scifo
Marco Bellaveglia
Marco Marongiu
Maria Pia Anania
Massimo Ferrario
Michele Croia
Stefano Romeo
Vladimir Shpakov