In recent years, particle therapy has been shown to be a favorable option for the treatment of the tumors. However, to fully exploit the advantages of charged paticles, a few challenges need to be addressed which still require a dedicated technological effort. The reduction of costs and complexity of the current facilities and the treatment of moving organs are two examples where novel technical solutions are being explored. The determination and verification of the particles range in the patient is another item which would increase substantially the precision and the quality of the treatments.
The dose delivery system is the highly complex part of the irradiation facility which has the task of steering the beam in order to conform the dose to the prescription. The scope of this workshop is to bring together experts, including representatives from the main vendors of clinical facilities, for a review of the current status of the dose delivery systems and of the new technical challenges.
The topics covered are those broadly related to dose delivery (i.e. beam monitoring, scanning strategies, motion mitigation and tracking, fast scanning, dose verification, scanning with pulsed beams, ....) with a special focus on the technical aspects of the different solutions proposed.