37 / 37
- Andrei Afanasev
- Stefano Aghion (MI)
Jim Alexander
(Cornell University)
- Speaker at MMAPS at Cornell
Antonio Anastasi
- Speaker at g-2 Experiment
Elena Arbuzova
(University "Dubna")
- Speaker at General features of spontaneous baryogenesis
- Angela Badala' (CT)
Marco Battaglieri
- Speaker at Una Luminosa Fabbrica di Materia Oscura
Mariangela Bondi
- Speaker at The Beam Dump Experiment (BDX) @ JLAB
- Carlo M. Carloni Calame (PV)
- Susanna Costanza
- Francesca Curciarello (Dipartimento di Fisica-Università di Messina)
- Henryk Czyz (Inst. of Physics, Univ. of Silesia)
Marzio De Napoli
- Speaker at The HPS Experiments
- Alexander Dolgov (FE)
- Vladimir Druzhinin (BINP, Novosibirsk, Russia)
Shuangshi Fang
(Inistitute of High Energy Physics)
- Speaker at Light mesons at BES3
- Gregg Franklin
Iftah Galon
- Speaker at Protophobic Fifth Force
Vladimir Ivantchenko
- Speaker at Geant4 Standard and Low Energy EM libraries
- Speaker at Recent results from the SND detector
Venelin Kozhuharov
(Univerity of Sofia "St. Kl. Ohridski")
- Speaker at Bg in annihilation/fixed target experiment
Attila Krasznahorkay
- Speaker at The 8Be anomaly and the fifth force
- Nilanga Liyanage (University of Virginia)
Jeremiah Mans
- Speaker at The Light Dark Matter Experiment (LDMX)
- Philippe Martel
- Benjamin Oberhof (LNF)
Paride Paradisi
(Univesity of Padova and INFN)
- Speaker at Axions and the g-2 anomaly
Emilie Passemar
(Indiana University/JLab)
- Speaker at The Physics of Hadronic Tau decays
- Giovanni Maria Piacentino
Alexandr Popov
- Speaker at Recent results from the CMD-3 detector
- Igor Rachek
Mauro Raggi
- Speaker at PADME at LNF experiment
- Oliver Steffen (Institut fuer Kernphysik, Universitaet Mainz)
- Szymon Tracz
Paolo Valente
- Speaker at Status of positron extracted beams
- Bogdan Wojtsekhowski
Dmitry Zhuridov
- Speaker at Excited lepton baryogenesis