The Workshop will be devoted to a thoroughly discussion of the KLOE-2 Physics program at DAPHNE, and more in general about topics related to e+e- Physics at 1 GeV c.m energy:
- CP and T violation, CPT and QM tests
- KS decays, eta decays and chiral lagrangians
- Phi decays, light hadron spectroscopy and transition form factors
- gamma-gamma Physics
- Dark force searches
- Hadronic contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon
- Low energy kaon interactions
Future machines and new detectors
A special session on Friday 28th will be devoted to new proposals for the measurement of the hadronic contribution to the muon g-2.
The Conference will consist of plenary sessions held at the LNF Bruno Touschek
Auditorium Hall, with invited talks.
The proceedings of the Conference will be published.
Patrik Adlarson (Mainz)
Giovanni Amelino-Camelia (Rome)
Michele Arzano (Rome)
Jose Bernabeu (Valencia)
Catalina Curceanu (Frascati)
Giancarlo D'ambrosio (Naples)
Achim Denig (Mainz)
Simon Eidelmann (Novosibirsk)
Shuangshi Fang (Beijing)
Paola Gianotti (Frascati)
Beatrix Hiesmayr (Vienna)
Fred Jegerlener (Berlin)
Karol Kampf (Prague)
Marc Knecht (Marseille)
Bastian Kubis (Bonn)
Leonard Lesniak (Krakow)
Stefan Leupold (Uppsala)
Guido Martinelli (Rome)
Nick Mavromatos (London)
Catia Milardi (Frascati)
Emilie Passemar (Indiana)
Paride Paradisi (Padua)
Massimiliano Procura (CERN)
Christoph Redmer (Mainz)
Olga Shekhovtsova (Krakow)
Eugeny Solodov (Novosibirsk)
Natalia Toro (SLAC/Perimeter)
Sean Tulin (York)