Frontiers in Medical Physics

Aula Conversi (Dip. di Fisica - Edificio G. Marconi)

Aula Conversi

Dip. di Fisica - Edificio G. Marconi

Gianluca Cavoto (ROMA1), Riccardo Faccini (ROMA1)


    • 1
      Biomedical imaging using Cerenkov radiation from mouse to man
      Cerenkov luminescence imaging (CLI) is a novel method for preclinical research based on optical imaging approaches.CLI has been developed using small animal and allows to image the b io-distribution of radiopharmaceutical labeled with beta emitters. Recently applications of CLI to humans for both in vivo and ex vivo (tissue) imaging were published by our group and others. There has been also a considerable interest in the possible uses of CLI to monitor external-beam radiation therapy.In the seminar we will provide an overview of the most recent results and applications of CLI to biomedical imaging.
      Speaker: A. Spinelli (Ospedale San Raffaele di Milano)
    • 2
      Technological innovations in healthcare: what is expected from Physicists ?
      eHealth systems, robotics, precision medicine, medical apps, digital devices and telemedicine services, represent innovative solutions for new treatments and new healthcare organization. Physicians and Physicists have to understand new paradigms to collaborate on R&D for digital health.
      Speaker: Francesco Gabbrielli (Umberto I Policlinico di Roma, Vicepresidente SIT)