06–08 giu 2016
Europe/Rome fuso orario
28th RD50 Workshop on Radiation hard semiconductor devices for very high luminosity colliders.
  • The Workshop social dinner will take place on Tuesday June, the 7th at "La Smarrita" restaurant - Via Cesare Battisti , 17/a ( P.zza Carlo Alberto)
  • The wireless internet connections available at the Conference Venue will be: EDUROAM and IDEM.
  • Monday 6 June

  • 8:30-9:00: Welcome and registration
  • 9:00: Start of the conference 
  • 16:00: End of the day
  • 16:00: Steering Com.
  • 18:00: Wine tasting (at the conference premise)
  • Evening free
  • Tuesday  7 June

  • 9:00: First talk
  • 18:00: End of the day
  • 20:00 Conference dinner
  • Wednesday 8 June

  • 9:00: First talk
  • 13:00: End of the Conference
Aula Magna della Cavallerizza Reale
Via Verdi 9