7–10 Sept 2016
Laboratori Nazionali del Sud of INFN
Europe/Rome timezone


The conference proceedings will be published in the peer-reviewed Proceedings Section of  JINST, Journal of Instrumentation.

Important dates:
August 29: Contributions submission opens
2017 February 1 (extended): Contributions submission deadline

To prepare the contribution for submission, please use the JINST Proceedings template.

Kindly notice that the number of pages should not exceed 6 pages for Invited contributions, 4 pages for contributed oral presentations and 2 pages for contributed poster presentation. An extra page is allowed for references.

When your contribution is ready for submission, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Connect to JINST and register/login;

  2. in the “Submit” section of the page select the link “submit a proceedings contribution”;

  3. select the III ELIMED conference from the list;

  4. follow the step-by-step procedure for submission, referring to the instructions available in the section “For Authors” at the top of the JINST home page.

Kindly make sure you submit your III ELIMED contribution between August 29th and October 23rd.

For any further information and assistance, do not hesitate to contact Dr. V. Scuderi or Dr. F. Schillaci and the JINST Editorial Office (jinst-eo@jinst.sissa.it).