Annamaria Muoio
An experimental campaign aiming to investigate the effects of innovative nanostructured targets based on Ag, Ni, Fe, Co nanowires on laser energy absorption in the ns time domain has been carried out at the LENS (Laser Energy for Nuclear Science) laboratory of INFNLNS, Catania. Nanowires structures are tuned to increase the light absorption in the visible and infrared range due to plasmonic excitation driven by the incoming photons. Different techniques permit to monitor the plasma and to determine its reproducibility. Targets were then irradiated by Nd:YAG 2J, 6 ns infrared laser (l=1064 nm) at different pumping energies. Some preliminary results will be illustrated.
Primary author
Annamaria Muoio
Carmen Altana
David Mascali
Fabrizio Odorici
Gaetano Lanzalone
Luciana Malferrari
Salvatore Tudisco