7–10 Sept 2016
Laboratori Nazionali del Sud of INFN
Europe/Rome timezone

Innovative dosimetry systems for high dose-rate per pulse laser-driven ion beams in the ELIMED beam line

7 Sept 2016, 10:45
Conference Hall (Laboratori Nazionali del Sud of INFN)

Conference Hall

Laboratori Nazionali del Sud of INFN

Via S. Sofia 62, 95123 Catania Italy


Mr ANTONIO GIUSEPPE AMICO (Università degli studi di Catania)


The growing interest towards multidisciplinary applications of laser-driven beams, has led to the development of the ELIMED (ELI-Beamlines MEDical and multidisciplinary applications) beamline, by INFN-LNS. ELIMED will be installed at the ELI-Beamlines facility in Prague. Laser-accelerated particles, differ from the conventional beams for the wide energy spread, the angular divergence, the intense pulses and particularly for the high dose-rate per pulse [1,2]. This last peculiarity implies to study and develop alternative dose-rate independent detectors for both relative and absolute dosimetry measurements. At this aim, the dosimetric system will consist of a Faraday Cup dedicated to the absolute dose measurement and of a secondary emission monitor (SEM) and a innovative multi-gap in-transmission ionization chamber (IC) for relative dosimetry. The IC is composed by two different gaps of increasing thickness, in order to correct for the recombination effects due to the extremely high dose rate per pulse. Fixing the voltage and the distance between the electrodes, the ratio of the currents in the different gaps only depend on the ionization charge density. Therefore, it is possible to determine shot by shot the collection efficiency of a gap thanks to the measurement of the efficiency ratio of the different gaps [3]. In this contribution, this new detector for relative dose measurements will be presented. REFERENCE [1] A. Macchi., M. Borghesi, M. Passoni, et al. Ion acceleration by superintense laser plasma interaction. Rev.Mod. Phys. 2013, 85, doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.85.751. [2] D. Margarone, G.A.P. Cirrone, G. Cuttone, G. Korn,et al. AIP Conference Proceedings 1546 (2013). [3] F. Romano, F. Schillaci, G. A. P. Cirrone, G. Cuttone, V. Scuderi, L. Allegra, A. Amato, A. Amico, et al. The ELIMED transport and dosimetry beamline for laser-driver ion beams. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in physics research A. Elsevier. Volume 829, 1 September 2016, Pages 153–158.

Primary author

Mr ANTONIO GIUSEPPE AMICO (Università degli studi di Catania)

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