Apr 13 – 14, 2016
Turin University and INFN
Europe/Rome timezone


The Workshop will take place in Torino, a beautiful city surrounded by a crown of mountains with a fascinating scenery and outstanding wine growing regions.
The Scientific Session will be held in the Department of Physics and INFN, in the meeting room “Sala Wataghin” at the 1st floor of the old building.
Turin University, via Pietro GIURIA  1, Torino. Nearest Subway stop: Nizza

Here is a google map with Physics Department and the  Bus terminals (from/to Caselle Airport or Malpensa Airport ) and Social Dinner Restaurant: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=zarD7OEoHVs4.ki1pAguy_jf4
By Plane. The nearest Airport is CASELLE Airport from which is easy to reach Turin by bus (45 minutes).
Timetable:  http://www.aeroportoditorino.it/to-move/orari/sagat_21dic.pdf
You can get off both at “FS Porta Susa” stop (corso Bolzano) or “FS Porta Nuova” stop (corso Vittorio Emanuele II 57/A), depending on your hotel.
From these stops you can easily take the Subway or other city buses.
Ticket is available at the airport in a vending machine before the exit. 
Ticket in the city is available in different bars (coffee shops) close to the bus stop.
Cost 6.50 euro, both in vending machine and bars. You can also buy the ticket in the bus (7.00 Euro)
By Plane. Also the MALPENSA Milan Airport is well connected to Turin by bus (2 hours).
Timetable:  http://www.sadem.it/media/5191/000020.pdf
You can get off both at “FS Porta Susa” stop (corso Bolzano/corner/via Grattoni)
From this stop you can easily take the Subway or other city buses.
Ticket is available at the airport or on web site after registration. 
Ticket in the city is available in different bars (coffee shops) close to the bus stop (22,00 euro).
By Train. You can get off both at “Porta Susa” or “Porta Nuova”, depending on your hotel.
From these stations you can easily take the Subway or other city buses.