11–13 Mar 2009
<!-- ID_UTENTE=945 --!> Padova, Palazzo del Bo' and Physics Department
Europe/Rome timezone

Travel Information

The nearest and by far the most convenient airport is Venice, 40 kilometers East of Padova. Other smaller airports near Padova are Treviso and Verona.

From Venice airport to Padova
  • By bus: there are SITA buses every 30 minutes from Venice airport to Padova and vice-versa. ( Sita Timetable) The ride takes approximately one hour (depending on traffic conditions). The final stop in Padova is Piazzale Boschetti, just a short walk away from the Physics Department.

  • Collective minibus: Airservice will take you from the Airport to any address in Padua, or viceversa, for 29 euros (one way). Reservations at least 24 hours in advance are compulsory, they can be made by phone, fax, e-mail or web, more details at the Airservice webpage.

  • Collective (or single) transport service: NOLT, a little more expensive (about 45€) but with a better service. Reservation at least 24 hours in advance, by e-mail.
  • By taxi: The taxi ride can be very expensive, around 100 €

To Padova by train
Padova is both on the Venezia-Milano-Torino and on the Venezia-Roma lines (many trains are available). In Padova the train station is quite close to the conference venue, a 15-20 minutes walk if you do not have heavy luggage.
Train schedules can be consulted at the Trenitalia website.