11–13 Mar 2009
<!-- ID_UTENTE=945 --!> Padova, Palazzo del Bo' and Physics Department
Europe/Rome timezone

Conference Fee

The Conference Fee for all partecipants is 65 € and covers the coffee breaks and the conference dinner.

A contribution for the conference dinner is required for the accompanying persons.

The conference fee can be paid via bank transfer to:
BNL Agenzia 1 - Padova/Italy
IBAN: IT88D0100512101000000004070
PARTITA IVA: 01099140285
Motivation: DOBEN09 Conference Fee.

If you think of sending your Resitration Fee by bank Transfer, make sure that any overhead charged by the Bank is covered, otherwise the registration will arrive reduced by 5% by the emitting Bank.

The Conference Fee can also be paid, at the conference desk, but only in cash.
If paid cash, since there are no overhead to be covered, the conference fee is 60€.