Federico Nguyen
29/09/2016, 18:40
The development of intense and coherent electromagnetic sources offers novel pathways
in the search for new particles and exotic phenomena. A recently growing interest
is dedicated to the low mass particle candidates of Dark Matter.
We envisage the possibility of developing a multipurpose facility dedicated to the search of Axion-Like Particles, ALPs, based on the use of
Free Electron...
Gennadiy Filippov
(Cheboksary Polytechnic Institute)
29/09/2016, 18:40
Channeling of low energy atomic particles in carbon naotubes is interesting for low energy ion implantation, local ion plasma enhanced deposition, chemicaly-biological and medical atomic particles transport application [1]. Carbon nanotubes sre useful as ion beam management system parts. Temperature variating along the nanotube production process allow us to variate CNT diameter, which creates...
Veronika Soboleva
(National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University)
29/09/2016, 18:40
In this report we present experimental investigation of interaction of the electromagnetic field of a relativistic bunched electron beam with a metamaterial. Used metamaterial target represents a right triangular prism. The unit cell of the target consists of a split-ring resonator (SRR) and a wire. The size of the unit cell is 3 mm. The measurements were done in millimeter wavelength range in...
Egor Kurnikov
29/09/2016, 18:40
Advanced computer technology and wide use of personal computers today open up great perspectives of computer simulations for studying various processes and phenomena of the surrounding world. Computer models are often used to obtain new data about simulated object or for approximate estimation of the system behaviour while this system is too complex for analytical exploration. Consistency of...
Oleksiy Fomin
(Laboratoire de l’Accélérateur Linéaire, CNRS et Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France)
29/09/2016, 18:40
There are three fundamentally different mechanism of deflection of fast charged particle beam by a bent crystal. The first mechanism was proposed by E.A. Tsyganov [1], and is based on the phenomenon of planar channeling of charged particles in a bent crystal. The second, proposed by A.M. Taratin and S.A. Vorobiev [2], called the "volume reflection", is a single reflection of positive charged...
Philippe Piot
(northern Illinois University & Fermilab)
29/09/2016, 18:40
A high-brilliance ($>10^{20}$ phot.s$^{-1}$.mm$^{-2}$.mrd$^{-2}$/0.1%) gamma-ray source experiment is currently in preparation at Fermilab ($E_\gamma\simeq 1.1$~MeV). The source implements a high-repetition-rate inverse Compton scattering by colliding electron bunches formed in a 300-MeV superconducting linac with a high-intensity laser pulse. This contribution describes the design rationale...
Gennady Kovalev
(U of M)
29/09/2016, 18:40
Dynamics of the Relativistic Particles and Conformal Mapping of the Crystal
G.V. Kovalev
School of Mathematics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455,USA
The dynamics of relativistic particles is depended on the shape of the crystals and beam optics. The bending of the crystal is possible in many ways. One of the most powerful and natural way to find the needed bent is the using...
Marco Galimberti
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
29/09/2016, 18:40
Electron acceleration using short pulse high power laser is one of the scheme proposed to reduce the size of the future accelerator.
Different scheme has been proposed to increase the acceleration length and the final electron energy, like use of gas filled capillary. Advance target design increases the demand on the quality of the laser beam, in particular to the pointing stability, that it...
Vladimir Vysotskii
(Kiev National Shevchenko Univ)
29/09/2016, 18:40
In the report the features of Cherenkov radiation at channeling are investigated
Camilla Curatolo
29/09/2016, 18:40
We discuss the possibility to generate low emittance muon beams by colliding high energy hadrons and counterpropagating high brilliance photon pulses.
The asymmetric collision of Large Hadron Collider/Future Circular Collider like hadrons and FEL keV photons imparts a strong Lorentz boost to the secondary particles which are emitted at hundreds GeV energy within a small angle around the...
Vahan Kocharyan
(Institute of Applied Problems of Physics of NAS RA, 0014, Hr. Nersisyan str. 25, Yerevan, Armenia. National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University 634050, Lenin Avenue 30, Tomsk, Russia.)
29/09/2016, 18:40
In order to gain control over hard X-ray (over 30 keV), X-ray diffraction in Laue geometry (over 30 keV) from a single crystal of quartz influenced by the temperature gradient has been considered. It has been experimentally proved that the intensity of the reflected beam can be increased up to several orders if the X-ray energies are 30 keV and 40 keV for reflecting atomic planes (10-11)...
Gennady Kovalev
(U of M)
29/09/2016, 18:40
High Energy Microbeams and Focusing Limits of Channeling Particles
G.V. Kovalev
School of Mathematics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455,USA
The possibility of beam steering of high energy particles by a crystal has been investigated for a long time. Tsyganov was the first who proposed the bent crystal channeling. After the successful demonstration of the bent...
Andrea Mazzolari
29/09/2016, 18:40
The LAUPER project aims to demonstrate the feasibility of a Laue lens optimized to operate with X-rays emitted by a conventional X-ray tube to produce a focused photon beam for radiotherapy applications. In the context of tumor treatment, radiotherapy is an important method consisting in imparting a radiation dose to a target volume in order to destroy cancer cells. Any radiotherapy treatment...
Konstantin Kruchinin
(Royal Holloway, University of London)
29/09/2016, 18:40
Optical transition radiation (OTR) is widely used as a tool for transverse diagnostic of electron beams in many accelerator facilities around the world. It is generated when the beam of electrons intercepts a metallic or dielectric screen. The OTR then propagates in the direction of the mirror reflection to the point where it can be detected. Despite the fact that the electron beam can be...
Sergey Galyamin
(Saint Petersburg State University)
29/09/2016, 18:40
In this work, we continue investigations of non-divergent radiation in volume and planar wire structures with small period. Unlike previous works, we consider the bunches moving along the semi-infinite planar wire structure. Besides, we consider not only thin bunches, but also bunches with finite cross-section.
We analyze surface waves generated by a charged-particle bunch at the...
Ekaterina Dik
29/09/2016, 18:40
The interaction of a charged particle with a curved inner surface of a capillary and influence of its curvature on the process of particle deflection are analyzed. The results were obtained using perturbation theory.
Andrea Liedl
29/09/2016, 18:40
Polycapillary optics is a well known technology used within different research and industrial fields. Generally these devices are applied for their integral properties, as flux gain factor, or for the micro- focus features useful for confocal geometry.
Less investigations have been spent about composition of the trasmitted beam.
In this work features about spot size, energy composition,...
Vladimir Maisheev
(IHEP, Protvino, Russia)
29/09/2016, 18:40
Based on results of paper [1] devoted to study of volume reflection and volume capture we develope the so name "one-trajectory approximation of a diffusion process" for conditions of channeling process in straight and bent single crystals. We extend this approximation for a sufficiently long crystals. We also consider posively and negatively
charged hadron beams.
[1] S. Bellucci,...
Alexander Kubankin
(Belgorod National Research University)
29/09/2016, 18:40
The analysis of experimental data obtained in the study of grazing interaction of fast electron beams with flat dielectric surfaces demonstrates a dependence of the surface charge distribution formation on the dielectric material. We found that the angular distribution of the electron beam does not depend strongly neither on the length of the surfaces nor on the beam current. In addition, the...
Gennady Kovalev
(U of M)
29/09/2016, 18:40
Spiral Scattering of Relativistic Particles in a Bent Crystal
G.V. Kovalev
School of Mathematics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455,USA
The spiral scattering of charged particle occurs due to the appearance of a negative logarithmic singularity of the classical deflection function χ(b) of a particle for a certain impact parameter b = bs[1,2]. Resonance scattering [3] is a...
Yury Cherepennikov
(Tomsk Polytechnical University)
29/09/2016, 18:40
Nowadays X-ray absorption spectroscopy is widely used in the X-ray structural analysis [1] and can be applied to elemental analysis of substance [2]. A special group of absorption analysis methods imply measurements of the radiation absorption coefficients at a few energy lines that allow estimating a number of investigated object characteristics. Implementation of these methods requires X-ray...
Sergei Stuchebrov
(Tomsk Polytechnic University)
29/09/2016, 18:40
The tree plantation conditions are the one of the most sensitive indicators of environmental state. The high levels of correlation relationships between morphological and physiological parameters of needle and toxicological loads were established [1]. It is known, that woody plants are highly sensitive to anthropogenic load, so they can serve as adequate indicators of the ecosystems condition...
Mihail Antoniu Iliescu
29/09/2016, 18:40
SIDDHARTA-2 aims to perform the first measurement of the kaonic deuterium transitions, which, combined with the result on kaonic hydrogen, will deliver the isospin-dependent kaon-nucleon scattering lengths, fundamental to low-energy QCD. A related experiment, using the new Transition Edge detectors has been successively proposed, for accurate determination of the controversial k- mass and for...