Nuclear Instrumentation
- Juergen Eberth (University of Cologne)
Berta Rubio
(CSIC Valencia)
29/06/2016, 14:30
Gamma-ray detection plays a key role in many experimental nuclear physics studies and practical applications. As an example in this talk I will present recent results of the application of the total absorption technique to beta decay studies, which are relevant for reactor applications.
The total absorption technique is based on the use of highly efficient, calorimeter-like detectors. It...
Suzana Szilner
(Ruder Boskovic Institute)
29/06/2016, 14:50
Transfer reactions play an essential role in the understanding of collision dynamics and nuclear structure. Low energy multinucleon transfer reaction is one of the most important tool to probe nucleon-nucleon correlations in nuclear systems. The recent revival of transfer reaction studies
greatly benefited from the construction of the new generation instrumentations that reached an...
Aurelien Blanc
(Institut Laue Langevin)
29/06/2016, 15:10
FIPPS (Fission Product Prompt gamma-ray Spectrometer) is a new instrument under construction at the ILL in the context of ILL ENDURANCE program. FIPPS addresses two fundamental domains of nuclear physics: fission of heavy elements and structure of neutron rich matter. Neutron capture induced reactions provide a suitable way to investigate these domains. FIPPS will complement the existing...
Mirko von Schmid
(Institut für Kernphysik, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany)
29/06/2016, 15:30
EXL (EXotic nuclei studied in Light-ion induced reactions at storage rings) is a project within NUSTAR at FAIR [1, 2]. It aims for the investigation of light-ion induced direct reactions in inverse kinematics with radioactive ions in storage rings at GSI and at the future FAIR facility.
The heart of EXL will be its recoil detector array, a 4π-array of several layers of silicon detectors...
Dmitry Testov
29/06/2016, 15:50
NUSPIN 2016 Talks II
One of the key-feature of the modern γ-ray spectrometers, such as GALILEO at LNL Legnaro is its capability to identify and to study exotic excited states produced at very low cross section. To improve the selectivity of GALILEO the EUCLIDES Si-ball ancillary detector was renewed. Here it is reported the performance of EUCLIDES in the latest experiment using 12C+24Mg reaction: the selectivity;...