Nuclear Structure and Reactions I
- Gilles de France (GANIL)
Jeffrey Tostevin
(University of Surrey, UK)
29/06/2016, 09:00
Several direct reaction mechanisms have emerged as providing valuable and reliable nuclear spectroscopy information that contributes to our understanding of the evolution of shell structure in some of the most exotic light and medium mass nuclei - as are produced at fragmentation facilities. These mechanisms include Coulomb and nuclear dissociation, the fast nucleon removal mechanism, and...
Angela Bracco
(Università di Milano and INFN)
29/06/2016, 09:30
This talk is intended to present the status of the preparation of the Long Range Plan of NuPECC. The focus will be in particular on the chapters concerning nuclear structure and reaction dynamics, nuclear astrophysics and applications.
Many scientific and technical issues discussed in this meeting represent important material for the NuPECC long range plan and this will be highlighted in the...
Augusto Macchiavelli
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
29/06/2016, 10:00
GRETINA [1] is a first implementation of a gamma-ray spectrometer which is capable of tracking gamma-rays through its active detector volume. It currently consists of eight, four-detector modules. Each crystal (6x6 segments) is individually encapsulated with all four crystals sharing a common cryostat. The irregular, tapered hexagonal geometry packs into a spherical shell with the eight...