27 June 2016 to 1 July 2016
San Servolo, Venice
Europe/Rome timezone

Proton – neutron pairs in N≈Z nuclei: a theory perspective

30 Jun 2016, 16:40
Aula Magna

Aula Magna


Prof. Stefan Frauendorf (University Notre Dame)


The short-range proton-neutron interaction favors the formation of p-n pairs with parallel or antiparallel spin. They may appear as three species: T=1,J=0 (“isovector pairing”), T=0,J=1 (“isoscalar pairing”), and T=0, J=2j (“spin-aligned”). In N≈Z nuclei, so far accessible, there is clear evidence for strong isovector pair correlations. Evidence for isoscalar pair correlations is elusive. The reason seems suppression by spin-orbit splitting. Weakening of spin-orbit splitting is predicted for the region N≈Z>50, which may lead to a rise of isoscalar pair correlations. Based on Shell Model calculations, the formation of a “condensate” of spin-aligned pairs was suggested. The nature of such spin-aligned coupling scheme, its coexistence with isovector pairing, and the limits of pair classification due to the finite nucleon number will be discussed.

Primary author

Prof. Stefan Frauendorf (University Notre Dame)

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