Marco Cavenago
14/03/2016, 16:35
The design of efficient storage rings with large acceptance so that a neutralizer gas cell can be inserted requires both linear matrix formalism and full field tracking calculation. Moreover large magnet aperture must be considered.
First an unbiased search of suitable lattices is needed. Matrix formalism is simple enough to allow use of symbolic manipulation programs, with s the beam...
Vincenzo Variale
14/03/2016, 16:35
High current large negative (H-, D-) ion sources will produce the neutral beams needed for fusion plasma heating in ITER. To reach very high negative ion beams a cesium coated surface of the plasma grid is usually used. The cesium coating however, poses some problem in the maintenance and operation of the ion source and for that alternative ways to enhance the ion current extraction should be...
Marco Cavenago
14/03/2016, 16:35
The gas neutralizer converter used to produce a neutral hydrogen (or deuterium) beam from a H- (or D-) beam has intrinsic limitation on conversion efficiency and requires a residual ion dump for H-, and produced H+. By recirculating H- into gas neutralizer N times (with N up to 4) conversion efficiency can be increased and the ion dump size is greatly reduced. In other words, the gas...
Pierluigi Veltri
14/03/2016, 16:35
Stefania Canella
14/03/2016, 16:35
Ernesto Giuffreda
(Università del Salento, Lecce)
14/03/2016, 16:35
Laser - matter interactions are a wide field of physics in which many parameters
are involved. A small change in one of them can lead to a completely different time
evolution for the physical system. In this work, the characterization of a plastic
target subjected to a laser irradiation has been studied. A focus was particularly
devoted to the interaction of the target with the whole...