Enrico Fagotti
In the framework of MUNES project, a new neutron source was developed at the CN electrostatic accelerator of Legnaro National Laboratories.
Neutrons are produced thruogh Be(p,n) reaction using a thin foil beryllium target brazed on a copper base. A 5 MeV, 3 microA proton beam is focalized onto the target so as to reach a 500 W/cm^2 power density on beryllium, the same as MUNES high intensity accelerator.
A heavy water-graphite moderator is used for neutrons thermalization.
Preliminary results show that a 1.2*10^6 s^-1*cm^-2 neutron density can be generated at the extraction window with a uniformity better than 1% over a 25 cm diameter circular area.
Neutron spectrum is more than 90% thermal with a very low gamma contamination.
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Primary author
Enrico Fagotti
Andrea Pisent
Andrea Pola
(Politecnico Milano)
Davide Moro
Paolo Colautti
Roberto Bedogni
Silva Bortolussi