17–20 May 2016
Galileo Galilei Institute, Firenze
Europe/Rome timezone

Newton-Cartan trace anomalies and non-relativistic local renormalization group

18 May 2016, 12:10
Room A (GGI)

Room A



Roberto Auzzi (P)


Trace anomalies for non-relativistic Schrodinger theories coupled to a Newton-Cartan background metric will be discussed. If the causality condition is not imposed on the metric, an infinite number of anomaly terms is allowed and a type A anomaly is present. If we restrict to background metric sources which preserve causality, there exists just a type B anomaly. Moreover I will discuss work in progress on the implementation of Osborn's local renormalization group in non-relativistic theories.

Primary authors

Giuseppe Nardelli (TN) Roberto Auzzi (P) Mr Stefano Baiguera (Universita' Cattolica, Brescia)

Presentation materials