The recent detection of the merger of two high stellar mass black holes, thereby confirming the existence in nature of GW sources that have heretofore only been hypothesized, will surely influence the design of future GW detectors. Massive binary systems have luminosities allowing the advanced detectors to see them to cosmological distance and provide most of their SNR in the mid-to-low frequency band of GW interferometers. However, we must ensure, in our design efforts, that frequencies both above and below this range are also adequately covered. With aLIGO having completed its first observational run and now in full commissioning mode to prepare for the second run later this year, with aVirgo expected to join this next run once they have performed preliminary commissioning, and with KAGRA in an advanced construction phase, we are entering the regime of observational astronomy using GWs. This is a propitious time to consider the impact of GW150914 on ideas for near term detector enhancements as well as on the design of future detectors. This workshop will explore a variety of technologies and concepts relevant to these goals.
At GWADW 2015, in Alaska, a new format was introduced which had two days of parallel sessions. The new format was deemed successful, and we will repeat it this year with slight variations. There will be three parallel sessions instead of last year’s four, and these will be spread over three days, instead of two, thereby providing more time to interact.
At GWADW 2015, in Alaska, a new format was introduced which had two days of parallel sessions. The new format was deemed successful, and we will repeat it this year with slight variations. There will be three parallel sessions instead of last year’s four, and these will be spread over three days, instead of two, thereby providing more time to interact.