17–20 May 2016
Galileo Galilei Institute, Firenze
Europe/Rome timezone

Bound states of 5d spinning black holes from 6d rotating black strings.

19 May 2016, 11:50
Room B (GGI)

Room B



Flavio Porri (Utrecht University)


We find and study BPS bound states of spinning black holes in 5d asymptotically flat spacetime. These solutions follow from multi-string solutions in six-dimensional minimal supergravity and can be uplifted to F- or M-theory. We analyze the regularity conditions and work out the example of a bound state of two black holes in detail. The bound state is supported by fluxes through nontrivial topologies exterior to the horizons and KK momentum. Furthermore, we determine the entropy and compare with other macroscopic BPS solutions.

Primary author

Flavio Porri (Utrecht University)

Presentation materials