17–20 May 2016
Galileo Galilei Institute, Firenze
Europe/Rome timezone

Susy Scattering amplitudes, Wilson loops and integrability.

20 May 2016, 11:30
Room B (GGI)

Room B



Alfredo Bonini (BO)


The gluon scattering amplitudes and the null polygonal Wilson loops in planar Super Yang-Mills N=4 are believed to be the same. Many tests have been done at the perturbative level, while at strong coupling the scattering amplitudes can be computed solving a minamal area problem, thanks to the AdS/CFT correspondence. As for the Wilson loops, a variant of the well-known Operator Product Expansion has been developed enabling us to write it as a sum over the excitations on the GKP vacuum. Thanks to the integrability underlying the theory, we have been obtaining many exact results in a series of papers, mainly on the strong coupling limit. Among them, the computation of the Wilson loop is recast into a system of TBA-like equations, finding agreement with the classical string result. In addition, a purely quantum contribution of the same order of the classical one comes out of the blue by considering an ostensibly sub-dominant sector.

Primary authors

Alfredo Bonini (BO) Davide Fioravanti (BO) Marco Rossi (CS) Simone Piscaglia

Presentation materials