17–20 May 2016
Galileo Galilei Institute, Firenze
Europe/Rome timezone

Large-N CP(N-1) sigma model on a finite interval and its boundary effect

18 May 2016, 10:50
Room B (GGI)

Room B



Keisuke Ohashi (P)


We study the large-N solution of the bosonic CP(N-1) model on a finite interval with the Dirichlet conditions. In the literature, this model has been studied with translational invariant ansatz and there an existence of phase transition was found. We find that this translational invariant ansatz can not give a solution of the gap equation and divergence behavior appears around the boundaries, and resultantly the phase transition do not appear in this system.

Primary author

Keisuke Ohashi (P)


Dr Bolognesi Stefano (University of Pisa and INFN) Prof. Konishi Kenichi (University of Pisa and INFN)

Presentation materials