Antonella Balerna
12/10/2015, 10:00
DAΦNE-Light is the Synchrotron Radiation Facility of the Frascati National Laboratories that with five beam lines covers the energy range going from infrared to soft x-rays. DAFNE-Light must be considered a material science facility but also a laboratory where it is possible to test new detectors and optics in a wide energy range. At the DAΦNE-Light facility it is possible to perform studies...
Alessandro Curcio
12/10/2015, 10:15
An overview is proposed of the Thomson Scattering- based X-ray sources feasible in the Frascati area. In particular both a femtosecond source based on the laser Flame coupled with the Sparc_Lab LINAC and a nanosecond source based on the laser ABC coupled with a 5-10 MeV LINAC available at ENEA research center will be considered.
Giuseppe Dattoli
12/10/2015, 10:30
Patrick O'Keeffe
12/10/2015, 10:45
L’EuroFEL Support Laboratory (EFSL), recentemente realizzato dall’Istituto di Struttura della Materia (ISM - CNR), si propone come centro avanzato per la caratterizzazione ottica, elettronica e strutturale di materiali e sistemi molecolari mediante spettroscopia multifotonica risolta in tempo. EFSL è attualmente in grado di produrre impulsi di luce ad alta intensità (fino a 4 mJ) e di durata...
Barbara Paci
12/10/2015, 11:00
Il Laboratorio di Spettroscopia di Raggi-X dell’ISM-CNR di Tor-Vergata ha sviluppato approcci di caratterizzazione delle proprietà chimico/fisiche dei materiali che si avvalgono di tecniche non distruttive e complementari tra di loro.
Il punto di forza del Laboratorio è l’utilizzo di tecniche di raggi-X non convenzionali quali la Diffrazione e la Riflettometria di Raggi-X in Dispersione di...
Alessandra Paladini
12/10/2015, 11:45
Le tecniche diagnostiche basate sulla spettroscopia laser sono ormai universalmente considerate strumenti essenziali nella ricerca archeologica, in quanto consentono di caratterizzare sia i materiali che le tecniche impiegate nella preparazione degli artefatti. Questi studi permettono quindi non solo un’analisi storico-archeologica ma forniscono anche informazioni utili per la pianificazione...
Mauro Missori
(Institute for Complex Systems)
12/10/2015, 12:00
The Institute for Complex Systems, in collaboration with the University of Rome "Sapienza" and Tor Vergata and the University of Sussex (UK), has recently developed a THz spectroscopy laboratory aimed to academic and industrial research.
The access to the wide THz electromagnetic band (which lies between optical waves and microwaves in the electromagnetic spectrum) has been limited for a...
Ombretta Tarquini
(CNR-Istituto di Cristallografia)
12/10/2015, 12:15
L’Istituto di Cristallografia del CNR (IC-CNR) UOS di Montelibretti ha una lunga esperienza nell’ambito dei raggi X e delle loro applicazioni. Circa 25 anni fa, l’allora Istituto di Strutturistica Chimica, si faceva promotore e realizzava la linea di diffrazione presso Elettra di Trieste con il progetto “Luce di sincrotrone”.
Nell’ultimo decennio l’Istituto ha attivato una linea di ricerca su...
Danilo Pacella
12/10/2015, 12:30
Il laboratorio New Imaging X-ray Technique dell’ENEA di Frascati è stato realizzato 3 anni fa, raccogliendo una tradizione trentennale di attività di diagnostiche in raggi X nel campo della Fusione Nucleare a Confinamento Magnetico.
Il laboratorio è interamente schermato per lavorare fino a 120 keV. Esso dispone di tubi a raggi X (fino a 50 kV e 80kV microfocus), di rivelatori...
tullio scopigno
(dipartimento di fisica, Sapienza)
12/10/2015, 12:45
Antonio Cricenti
(Istituto di Struttura della Materia - CNR)
12/10/2015, 14:30
I will give an overview of our activity in the field of Infrared Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy (SNOM): several applications in Material Science and Biology will be presented as well some recent developments in instrumentation. In particular, our results will regard differences in the chemical distribution of the different bonds in biological cells: in fact by coupling a SNOM with a...
Andrea Doria
12/10/2015, 15:15
Luca Gennaro Foggetta
Paolo Valente
12/10/2015, 15:30
Annamaria Gerardino
(CNR- Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie)
12/10/2015, 16:05
The micro and nanofabrication facility of CNR-IFN (site of Rome) is a full equipped laboratory for nanotechnology, advanced device fabrication, nano-fabrication and advanced characterisation techniques. The IFN has developed expertise and facilities in nanofabrication and characterization of electronic and spintronic nanodevices, superconducting single-photon detectors, Photonic Crystals and...
Indovina Luca
(Univ. Cattolica Sacro Cuore -- Policlinico Gemelli)
12/10/2015, 16:20
Lina Quintieri
(ENEA. Istituto Nazionale di Metrologia delle Radiazioni Ionizzanti)
12/10/2015, 17:50
Patrizio Console Camprini
12/10/2015, 18:20
Daniele M. Trucchi
13/10/2015, 09:00
During the last decade, CVD diamond demonstrated the potential to overcome limitations connected to the use of natural diamond stones, by ensuring minor production costs and reproducible physical properties. Many research groups reported results on polycrystalline diamond films as a sensitive material to ionizing radiation, but problems of signal stability and material homogeneity hampered the...
Mauro Missori
(Institute for Complex Systems)
13/10/2015, 09:20
The Institute for Complex Systems (ISC) and the Institute for the Study of Nanostructured Materials (ISMN) of CNR are engaged in a collaboration with the Fater SpA (Joint venture of P&G and Angelini) aimed to the development of new bleaching products for cellulose based materials.
Testing samples obtained by using different formulations in the FATER laboratory are studied and characterized at...
Eugenio Del Re
(Dipartimento di Fisica - Universita' di Roma La Sapienza)
13/10/2015, 09:40
Although imaging has gone a long way from the crude microscopes and telescopes of early astronomers and natural scientists, it is a fact that every biology, material science, medical, and even electronics lab still uses visible light as its first and most readily available inspection instrument. How far can a visible imaging system be pushed? Efforts aimed at eluding in simple and...
Gian Piero Gallerano
13/10/2015, 10:00
Roberto Natalini
13/10/2015, 10:20
Flavio Lucibello
13/10/2015, 10:40
Calogero Pace
13/10/2015, 11:00
The STAR Project is in progress at the University of Calabria (UniCal) in the frame of the PON MaTeRiA initiative. Based on a collaboration among UniCal, CNISM, INFN and Sincrotrone Trieste, it comprises the construction of a Thomson back-scattering X-ray source, a microtomography beamline (µTomo) and several collateral laboratories. The building and the main supply systems are ready and the...
Riccardo Faccini
13/10/2015, 12:00