22–24 apr 2015
Centro Congressi - CNR Area della Ricerca
Europe/Rome fuso orario
INDIGO-DataCloud Kick-off Meeting

The INDIGO-DataCloud kickoff meeting, hosted by INFN, will take place in Bologna (Italy) on 22-24 April, 2015 at the CNR Conference Center, located in via Gobetti 101, Bologna.

This kick-off meeting will be the first opportunity for the INDIGO community to meet, start planning the project activities for the coming years, and present the INDIGO initiative to a wider scientific audience.

The programme consists of plenary and parallel sessions. Plenary sessions will be focused on presenting the overall project, i.e. the consortium, the main goals and activities, while in the parallel sessions the Work Packages structure, organization and technical activities will be presented and discussed with the involved participants.

An important part of the meeting will be devoted to start up the boards foreseen for the management of the project, in particular the Collaboration Board and the Project Management Board.  

On the first day, the kick-off meeting will also be the event where some user communities not directly involved in the project will have the opportunity to understand how INDIGO-DataCloud could be beneficial to them and  to provide requirements and use cases which will be instrumental to drive the development activities of the project.

Please note that registration is free of charge, but mandatory (use the registration form on the left, deadline on April 20).

It will be possible to follow the plenary sessions through the streaming service available at http://www.infn.it/video/multimedia/diretta-flash.html

Note: the Conference4me smartphone app provides you with the most comfortable tool for planning your participation to the INDIGO-DataCloud kickoff meeting. Browse the complete programme directly from your phone or tablet and create your very own agenda on the fly. The app is available for Android, iOS, Windows Phone and Kindle Fire devices.
To download the mobile app, please visit http://conference4me.eu/download or type 'conference4me' in Google Play, iTunes App Store, Windows Phone Store or Amazon Appstore.
More information can be found on http://conference4me.eu/download.
Centro Congressi - CNR Area della Ricerca
Via Gobetti, 101 Bologna Italy