Registration and Payment Information
The deadline for registration to the Conference shall be extended to April 23, 2015.Remains unchanged the deadline for paying the registration fee at the same date.
Given the tight deadlines for registration of payments between banks, we ask to all participants to bring along a copy of the payment.
Payments can be made till the 23rd of April.
The registration procedure starts with the Indico Registration Form, which includes usual affiliation and contact information.
Please fill in the "BILLING INFORMATION" fields taking into account that the Invoice can be addressed to you or your Institution depending on your administration.
At the end of the registration, an acknowledgement will be sent via email. A paper copy of the receipt will be handed on site if your payment was registred in the bank.
The registration does not include accommodation booking, which has to be managed directly by the participants.
The registration does not include accommodation booking, which has to be managed directly by the participants.
Registration Fee
The fee covers the participation to the conference sessions and coffee breaks.
Conference fee: € 70,00
Payment details
Is accepted only the payment by:
Bank Transfer to the following account:
Univ. Padova - Dip. Fisica "G. Galilei" (*)
IBAN: IT25J0622512186100000046588
(*) Universita' degli Studi di Padova
Dipartimento di Fisica "G. Galilei"
Via F. Marzolo, 8 I-35131 Padova (PD) Italia
VAT number 00742430283
- It is important to indicate as subject of the transfer: Registration NeqZ 2015 for [Your-Name Your-Surname].
- IMPORTANT: please note that in the payment form the SWIFT code is marked IBSPIT2PXXX. Depending on the country issuing the payment, you may need to use the code without X's (i.e. IBSPIT2P).
Bank Transfers must be free of charges for the recipient. Irregular transfers will not be accepted.
Please bring a proof of payment to the conference registration desk.
Some instructions for compiling the Payment Form: the fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory; in the Invoice section of the Form
- in the field "Fiscal code/number of identity document", participants with Italian affiliation (INFN or University) should enter the Fiscal code of the institute; the other participants should enter they Passport Number;
- in the field "VAT ID NUMBER (with ISO code)", participants with Italian affiliation should enter the P.IVA of the institute; the other participants should enter "NO".
Important - for participants from Italian institutions only:
Si pregano gli Enti Pubblici italiani che hanno un conto presso la Tesoreria della Banca d'Italia (ad es. INFN) di effettuare i pagamenti della registration fee a mezzo bonifico bancario sul Conto della Tesoreria presso la Banca d’Italia n.037174 (IBAN: IT70D0100003245221300037174) intestato a Universita’ degli Studi di Padova indicando nella causale “Registration NeqZ 2015 for [Your-Name Your-Surname]” dove per Your-Name Your-Surname deve essere indicato il nome del partecipante.
Cancellation and Fee Refund Policy
Cancellation requests should be addressed to
- For cancellations before 23 April the full fee will be refunded
- After 23 May the fee cannot be refunded