ATTENZIONE: Lunedì 15 Luglio, dalle 13:00 alle 15:00 sarà effettuato un intervento di manutenzione su Durante tale fascia oraria il servizio potrà risultare non raggiungibile.

ATTENTION: On Monday 15 July, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, maintenance will be carried out on During this time slot, the service may be unreachable.

7–8 May 2015
Gran Sasso National Laboratory - Gran Sasso Science Institute
Europe/Rome timezone


Lodging for students and travel issues are managed by the [iaps] organizers. Students can contact [iaps] in order to get detailed information.

Nevertheless here below you can find some information on how to reach L'Aquila and Assergi independently by train or coach or by car. You can find more logistics and travel information on the relevant LNGS and GSSI webpages.

The ARPA company provides daily bus routes from Rome to L'Aquila. Each bus route leaves from Tiburtina railway station. Timetable is available on ARPA homepage or here.
IMPORTANT: we strongly suggest students to take these ARPA buses if possible since final bus stop in L'Aquila is the bus terminal which is really close to the hotel that will be reserved for the event as well as city center and GSSI.

Furthermore here you can check the website of National railway company where you can find trains from Fiumicino airport to Tiburtina railway station in Rome.

The Gaspari company provides daily bus routes from Fiumicino and Ciampino airport to L'Aquila and back. Please note that final bus stop in L'Aquila is the Hotel Amiternum (pretty far from the city center, taxi is available anyway).