- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
- Review of the project
- TSC (M. Favaro)
- TSV + HM + TCPU (M. Manzali)
- EM (C. Pellegrino)
- New Items
- heart-beat: model definition (M. Favaro, M. Manzali)
- new data-formats from the FCMs
- Specifics and Proposals:
- replacing the booleans arrays with std::bitset (M. Manzali)
- Datacard: JSON vs. INI (M. Manzali, F. Giacomini)
- redesign of STS and TTS (M. Manzali, C. Pellegrino)
- organization of the Post-Trigger files (C. Pellegrino, T. Chiarusi)
- Planning
- Continuous testing (T. Chiarusi)
- a.o.b.
- VIDEOCONF: via client H.323 (like codian Xmeeting NetMeeting, even Vidyo)
1) connect to IP: ;
2) A kind lady asks to digit the conference code. It is 2031#
2 alternative) one can scroll the list of virtual rooms, searching for "KM3NeT Chiarusi" with the cursor of the keyboard-tool of the used H.323 client
-PhoneCONF: from telephone or soft-phones
1) Dial one of the phone numbers listed here: http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
2) when requested, digit the number (without ending #)
3) finally, answer to the second question of the receptionist by dialing the code:
(note that this time the # is requred)