9:15 AM
LNF accelerators evolutions and upgrades
Andrea Ghigo
9:40 AM
INFN Contribution to Neutral Beam Injector
Marco Cavenago
10:05 AM
Upgrading of the LNS superconduting cyclotron for the production of 1 to 10 kW light ion beams
Luciano Calabretta
11:00 AM
Plasma acceleration: status and perspectives
Victor Malka
11:40 AM
Plasma acceleration research at SPARC-LAB
Massimo Ferrario
12:10 PM
Where we are with advancing the marriage between electron and photon beams: the way ahead
Luca Serafini
12:30 PM
Laser-plasma acceleration of electrons for medical applications
Leonida Antonio Gizzi
12:50 PM
Laser Ion Acceleration Experiences in Italy
Dario Augusto Giove