First Name | Last Name | Affiliation |
Adrian | Kent | University of Cambridge |
Agnese | Bissi | Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford |
Alessandro | Scordo | LNF |
Andre | Grossardt | University of Trieste |
Andrea | Alberti | University of Bonn |
Andrea | Smirne | University of Ulm |
Andreas | Buchleitner | Institute of Physics, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg |
Andreas | Pichler | SMI Vienna |
Angelo | Bassi | University of Trieste and INFN |
Anne | Froemel | LMU Munich |
Antoine | Tilloy | Ecole Normale Supérieure |
Bassano | Vacchini | MI |
Beatrix | Hiesmayr | University of Vienna |
Catalina Oana | Curceanu | LNF |
David | Mitrouskas | LMU Munich |
David | Wallace | University of Oxford |
Detlef | Duerr | Mathematisches Institut LMU |
Dirk | Deckert | Mathematical Institute LMU Munich |
Domenico | Giulini | University of Hannover, Theoretical Physics |
Edoardo | Milotti | University of Trieste and INFN-Sezione di Trieste |
Egidijus | Norvaisas | Vilnius University, Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy |
Eliyahu | Pollak | Weizmann Institute of Science |
Fay | Dowker | Imperial College London |
Florian | Hoffmann | Mathematical Institute, LMU Munich |
Frank | Schlawin | Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg |
Giancarlo | Ghirardi | INFN |
Giulio | Gasbarri | University of Trieste |
Hendrik | Ulbricht | University of Southampton |
Herbert | Spohn | Technical University Munich |
Ian | Jubb | Imperial College London |
Irene | Burghardt | Goethe University Frankfurt |
Jakub | Zakrzewski | Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University |
James | Bateman | University of Southampton |
jean | bricmont | Université catholique de Louvain |
Jochen | Zimmermann | Institute of Physics, Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg |
Johann | Marton | Stefan Meyer Institute |
Jonas | Rodewald | University of Vienna |
Konstantin | Lukin | Usikov Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics NAS of Ukraine |
Kristian | Piscicchia | LNF |
Kyrylo | Simonov | University of Vienna |
Lajos | Diosi | Wigner Research Center for Physics |
Laszlo | Bacsardi | University of West Hungary |
Luca | De Paolis | LNF |
Luca | Ferialdi | LMU Munich |
Luis Fernando Alday | Alday | University of Oxford |
Marco | Bilardello | Università di Trieste |
Marek | Kus | Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences |
Marko | Toroš | University of Trieste |
Markus | Arndt | University of Vienna |
Martin | Oelker | Math. Institute of the LMU Munich |
Mate | Jagnjic | University of Split |
Matteo | Caiaffa | Università di Trieste |
Matteo | Carlesso | Università degli Studi di Trieste |
Maximilian | Jeblick | Mathematical Institute, LMU Munich |
Mohammad | Bahrami | Università degli Studi di Trieste |
nikola | buric | institute of physics, university of belgrade |
Nikolaos | Mavromatos | King's College, London |
Petros | Wallden | The University of Edinburgh |
Pierantonio | Zanghi | Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Genova INFN- Sezione di Genova |
Raffaele | Del Grande | Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (LNF) |
Ruvin Ferber | Ferber | University of Latvia |
Sandro | Donadi | TS |
Sergey | Aristarkhov | LMU Munich |
Shelly | Goldstein | Rutgers University |
Sorin | Paraoanu | Aalto University |
Sören | Petrat | IST Austria |
Tadahiro (Choonghong) | Oh | University of Edinburgh |
Thomas | Durt | Institut Fresnel-Ecole Centrale de Marseille |
Vahid | Karimipour | Sharif University of Technology |
Vera | Hartenstein | LMU Munich |
ward | struyve | university of liege |
Zafer | Gedik | Sabanci University |
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