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23–27 Mar 2015
Erice (Sicily) - Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Gravity related spontaneous decoherence: from Wheeler-Bekenstein-Hawking to optomechanics

27 Mar 2015, 12:15
Erice (Sicily) - Italy

Erice (Sicily) - Italy


Lajos Diosi (Wigner Research Center for Physics)


The inception of a universal gravity-related irreversibility took place originally in quantum cosmology but it turned out soon that a universal non-unitary dynamics is problematic itself. Independent investigations of the quantum measurement postulate clarified that a non-unitary dynamics is of interest already in the non-relativistic context. An intricate relationship between Newton gravity and quantized bulk matter might result in universal non-relativistic violation of unitarity - also called spontaneous decoherence. The corresponding gravity-related spontaneous decoherence model is now on the verge of detectability in optomechanical experiments. It is also a toy-model of cosmic quantum-gravitational non-unitarity, illuminating that the bottle-neck of quantum-gravity is the quantum measurement postulate instead of quantum cosmology.

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